onsdag 22 januari 2025

Vet du något om personerna som nämns i detta amerikabrev?

JAG HAR FÅTT ETT BREV från Keri Johnson, Han bor strax utanför Chicago i USA och han letar efter sina rötter som ska finnas i Stockarydsbygden. Ett foto finns med brevet och de tomma stolarna ska symbolisera de som då hade flyttat till Amerika. Bland annat nämner han en Inger Gustafsson som om hon lever kan vara i 80-årsåldern. Någon som vet något och som har information jag kan ge till Keri Johnsson?

HELA BREVET och fotot i stor storlek finns på följande länk: 

Good afternoon, Mr Gustafsson

My name is Keri Johnson. I am from a small town outside of Chicago, IL.

I know it is strange I am emailing you but I have been spending many hours researching my Swedish family history and it has led me to you.

My Great-Great Grandfather immigrated to Chicago in 1909. He was born in 1888 in Stockaryd, Jonkoping, Sweden. He was born Bengt Samuel Fredrick Johannesson. His name was changed to Fred B. Johnson eventually in the USA.

I have a cousin who at one point was in contact with a second cousin from Sweden. This woman was named Inger Gustafsson. She would be about 80 years old now. She visited the family sometime during the 1970s in California. She visited with her son. My cousin Sharon eventually lost contact with Inger. I was wondering if you know Inger or are related in any way.

I have a photo of the family on their homstead in Sweden which I have attached. They say the empty chairs are for those that left and immigrated to United States. My great-great grandfathers parents names were Joahnnes Magnus Andersson and Johanna Mathilda Bengtsdotter. They had many children: Emma Kristina Johannesdotter, Augusta Sofia, Karl Richard Johannesson, Hanna Maria Cecilia, Ada Matilda, Gustof E Johannesson, Adolf F Johannesson, Anna Karonella

If you recognize any of this information I would love to connect further.

Thank you for your time.

Keri Johnson